
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The beginning, well sort of...

Can I create dynamic pictures that reveal life's struggles with water/reflectivity?

What does sadness look like through photographs....

What makes a dynamic photograph?

A magical historical photographer that truly captured emotions and people live's dealing with struggles is Dorothea Lange (1895-1965).  Dorothea felt that the camera was instrument that taught people to see without a camera.

The "Migrant Mother" series, her famous work, have become a symbol of the depression that hit our country and affect us all.  Dorothea had a great gift of capturing the emotional distress in still life.

The following video was created in 1964 as a political campaign and only aired on television one time before it was pulled.  I found this interesting and wanted to share.

A wonderful modern day photographer is Sally Mann.  She is a mother and uses her family as her backdrop (ironic, I know, since I'll be doing the same thing).  Her photographs are dynamic and gripping. She wanted them to look effortless, however, there was many painstaking attempts for each one.

At first glance to Sally's photo's, I was appalled.  I never again wanting to see them.  Then my teacher, Anthony Fontana, gave me a DVD (PBS artist series) where Sally and her family talked about the meaning of the pictures and how they came to be.  Once I understood that there is was no malice, just life, I began to really appreciate and value the photographs. 

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