
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let's try this..

So, during my exploration, I talked with my 17 year old daughter about this project and how I desperately wanted to create some dynamic photographs using members of my family.  Being an artist herself, she was immediately on board.  There's something amazing and intense between a mother and daughter who have a close bond.  In situations like this, she knew exactly what I was wanting, and she knew exactly how to give it to me.  So, Sunday morning, as we got ready for church, the clouds started rolling in, a storm was hitting.  I thought aloud at breakfast "what a great way to capture sadness in a storm".  Elaina and Bryan (my husband), were quickly on board to make this happen.  Elaina got in her underwear, grabbed a sheet off the bed, Bryan pulled out the water house (in case it stopped raining, which it did), and our youngest Bella, held the Pokeman umbrella over me so the camera wouldn't get wet.  I had already discussed with everyone that we would need to use props, emotions, etc, because photoshop is NOT an option.  Poor Elaina was absolutely freezing, but I think she was able to pull down, and grab the emotions needed to bring despair to the flat page of a photograph.

This was taken when she first sat down in our yard, while the rain was taking a break.  I lightened the picture dramatically, so that the sheet is washed away and the focus is on her and the greenery.

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